50 Good Questions of the Day Ideas for 5-Year-Olds

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question of the day for 5 year olds

It is very important to keep our 5 year olds minds engaged, by asking questions they become curious, excited and prepare to face challenges. As a mother of two and I found simple and effective way to enhance their creativity by following the trick of asking them “Question of the Day” daily.

For 5-year-olds, what I felt is, every day is a new adventure, full of new ideas. Being a parent, teacher, or caretaker, asking a daily question will help them turn their ordinary thought into an opportunity to learn something new. Their power of imagining the things is used to be amazing and it’s our responsibility of sharing what makes them happy, giving new prompts help children express themselves and expand their world of wonder.

In this post, I’ve arranged 50 engaging questions that are perfect for starting innovative conversations with your 5 year old. You will also enjoy their surprising answers and fun as you dive into these creative questions together

50 Question of the Day Ideas for 5-Year-Olds

Here are 50 creative and simple “Question of the Day” ideas for 5-year-olds, for different aspects to increase their imagination and encourage a healthy conversation:

Imaginative and Creative Questions

  1. If you have wings where do you want to fly?
  2. Which superpower do you want to have?
  3. Which animal will like to be?
  4. What color do you want to be if I ask you to be a crayon?
  5. What three wishes will you ask, if I give you a magic lamp?
  6. Tell me your favorite dream?
  7. Which type of a new toy do you like to invent?
  8. What name will you give to your pet dog?
  9. If you have a monkey in your house as a pet what will you do?
  10. Do you like a tree-house, how will you decorate it?

Nature and Adventure Questions

  1. What is your favorite animal and why?
  2. Do you want to go to a forest?
  3. If I ask you to go to a jungle which animal will you like to see?
  4. If I ask you to be a flower, which one will you like to be?
  5. Which weather do you like the most?
  6. Do you like sunny days or rainy days better?
  7. What is your favorite flower?
  8. Do you want to be a moon or a star and why?
  9. If you are a bird, how will you feel when rainwater fills in your nest?
  10. If you have an extra cap, will you give it to your friend if he doesn’t have?

Family and Home Questions

  1. What game do you like to play with your best friend and why?
  2. Do you like to enjoy a picnic with your family?
  3. Do you like to eat food with your entire family together at home?
  4. Do you like to play with your siblings?
  5. What is your favorite game your family has done together?
  6. Which breakfast will you want to cook and why?
  7. Which is your favorite bedtime story and why?
  8. What is something special about your mom or dad?
  9. Which is your fovourite game to play at home?
  10. Do you like to keep your home messy or arranged?

Learning and Exploring Questions

  1. Which is your favorite book and why?
  2. What do you want to be in your career?
  3. Which is your favourite dance step?
  4. Which is your favorite song to sing?
  5. Which drawing do you want to draw?
  6. Do you like to play or to sleep in your spare time?
  7. Who is your favorite your mother or your father and why?
  8. Do you like numbers or letters better?
  9. If you are a butterfly, on which flower will you want to sit?
  10. What is your favorite shape?

Food and Fun Questions

  1. Which food you can eat all the time everyday?
  2. If I send you to an ice cream mountain, what will you do?
  3. If I give you banana leaves, can you sleep on that?
  4. Which shape of a candy do you want to make?
  5. Do you like to take a bite from every apple present in your home?
  6. If I give you a salty ice cream, what will you do?
  7. Tell me your favorite breakfasts.
  8. Do you want to have fun of making a chocolate pizza?
  9. Which food do want to not see?
  10. Do want to swim in a cold drink’s swimming pool? If yes, what will you do there?

You can ask all the above questions each day for a light fun and improve your little one’s creativity and imagination. This activity will turn your 5-year-olds to an innovative mindset of giving answers to complicated questions.

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Hi, I am Chandra, the founder and editor in chief at Wiki Gyan. I am a post graduate and completed my MBA in digital marketing. I have deep interest in bikes and cars and love to spare my free time watching movies, series and reading about famous personalities.

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