Sunil Tulsiani Biopic: Who Is Sunil Tulsiani? How A Slumdog Becomes A Millionaire | Sunil Tulsiani Biography Inspired Biopic- Wikipedia

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sunil tulsiani biography

Sunil Tulsiani Biography Inspired Biopic is ready to release and is under production now. Everyone wants to know who is Sunil Tulsiani and why a biopic is being picturised on his life story? We have explained everything you need to know about Sunil.

Sunil Tulsiani a Public Speaker, Investor, Motivational Speaker, Author and an Entrepreneur, but a Slumdog Millionaire. Know Real Story, Age, Books, PVT Investment Club, Course everything about him.

Today Sunil Tulsiani is an International world renowned Speaker, Investor, Entrepreneur and a Multi-Millionaire. But very few persons know his real story- How a boy born in a lower middle class family has racked up his life at this stage.

By the inspiration of struggles he faced in his real life story a Biopic also going to be produce. The lead actor who will perform his role is yet to be selected.

Here we are going to discuss about his true inspirational story how a middle class family’s kid went abroad, what struggles he faced there and became a Cop. Afterwards his struggle did not stop there. Now he stood up to achieve a new benchmark and finally we are seeing him as a Multi-Millionaire, Real Estate Investor, a Public Speaker, a Best Seller at Amazon as an author. Every thing we have explained here as he told in an interview.

Sunil Tulsiani Biography

Below we have discussed his entire biography in different segments, explaining the each segment of his life separately.

Early Life 

Sunil Tulsiani is an Indian origin born in Kathi district of Madhya Pradesh (India) on December 25 1969. His father Mr Tulsiani was a pattern designer and they moved to Delhi and started staying in Kalkaji in a slum area in Delhi. As he belongs to a lower middle class family.

He shared in an interview that they hardly get even an apple per person. Rather when his father brings an apple they cut it into 5 pieces (one for each family member). 

Luckily his father got a chance to go to Canada for his talent as it was required there and rarely people know how to design a pattern. They moved to Toronto with their entire family in 1981 where the faced lots of criticism for being Indian (or black person) even when moving on a road.

Educational Life

Sunil was a very shy, introvert and not a good student during his academics. Anyhow he used to manage to be promoted to the next class. One day his family friend visited their house and he talked to Sunil and asked him to become a cop as it is a very noble job in Canada.

His uncle’s words stroked him and he started preparing for and was appointed as a police officer in 1990 in Toronto.

Professional Life

As a cop and as an investigator he served for 16 years in the department after that he quit his job and started learning higher education and grabbed a BBA degree from NewYork University. At the time of being in this job he started feeling some monotonous routine though he was enjoying his job but his family life started getting disturbed, so he left the department.


After quitting the job, Sunil started searching for how to survive and earn bread and butter for her family. He attended many seminars and investors’ get together to know about the opportunities to start with.

One day, Start a Real Estate business with no Investment tagline clicked him. Now he dug in for more details and jumped on this opportunity.

Real Estate

He bought and sold 77 properties in the first year in 2005 and became media centric and people started saying him the “Wealthy Cop“.

From here his new journey got started and he never looks back and becomes a multi millionaire. A person who was a shy introvert and could not speak up in public became a motivational speaker, the real transformation it was.

Private Investment Club

Now his friends ask him to help others to achieve something as he is doing right now and force him to teach others too. He got influenced and in 2005 he started his Private Investment Club (PIC). Now he became a mentor for the investors and in the very first event organized by this club, he was able to convince 80 investors (out of 120) to book his course.


He started selling his course for $200 and today people are ready to pay it even for $1000. For the real practical knowledge and value to get in-return.


  • Ultimate Secrets To Wealth: And Secrets From Top
  • Achieve – Volume ll: Secrets From The World’s Top
  • The Secret To Wealth Vol. ll
  • The Science Of Getting Rich
  • The Secret To Real Estate Wealth
  • Secret of Wealthpreneurs

Net Worth

Sunil is a Multi millionaire right now and having numerous income sources.

Wife and Family

He belongs to middle class Indian family having two siblings. He married to Sangita Tulsiani in December 14, 1992. They have two children Devinder and Megha.

That’s all we know about Sunil Tulsiani Biography as he said it all in one of his interview. If we have missed something Comment below. We will update here if we find the information is authentic.

Pranjal Awasthi

I am Pranjal Awasthi, Chief Editor at Wiki Gyan. I am having 12 years experience in content writing and digital marketing. I like to spend my free time watching movies and tv shows. I am also fond of experiencing new vehicles and technology. Thus shares my own experience here with others.

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